Happy Valentines Day!

Sunday, February 14, 2016

10980707_911870228844730_3937138771145647370_n#HappyValentinesDay: What is #love? A spouse, child, family, moments etc… LOVE is what grows within you. The love that lives abundantly within your inner being over flows to the world you experience.

So let us NOT love but let us BE LOVE. For if we are love the one’s that come in our presence  will feel the pureness of its essence and how beautiful is it to cross paths with these souls…. live in that state of BLESS.
The law of the universe is that everything is an even exchange … so let us exchange and reflect the greatness within each of us for the beauty you see in me lives in you. So when I say HAPPY VALENTINES DAY I mean may your world be filled in every way with the pure love that is our essence and may your soundings reflect your greatness. YOU ARE LOVE. Besitos y Bendiciónes  Nena