Learn How to Jive in Less than 15 Minutes!

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Hello lovelies! I have always enjoyed dancing from Sala to Hip-Hop however every year I would go to Viva Las Vegas ( 3 days of celebrating the Rockabilly Culture with music, cars and dancing held every year in Las Vegas, Nevada) where my good Paul and I first met.

During his last visit to Los Angeles we where chatting and I knew from VIVA that he was a great dancer however I had never been brave enough to step out on the dancer floor during those three days. So that day I decided to ask Paul if he would mind teaching me how to dance and he of course a great friend said "Yes!"

I had a blast as you can see in the video. It was not intimidating at all and I was ready to dance my heart out. It's a memory I will never forget not only because it was spent with a great friend and had a BLAST. P.S. I realized I needed to step-up my workout LOL. 

I hope you enjoy it and that you too will dance your heart out! Besitos y Bendiciones xoxo Nena